Which Social Media network to use for your Business?

which social medias to choose


Digitalizing your business can result in a competitive advantage by performing better, cheaper, and faster than your business competitors do. But which social media network to choose?

Gone are the days where business development and promotion took years.

Nowadays, there are several innovative digital solutions and strategies that effectively give a competitive edge in your business world. Social media has become one of the most profitable marketing channels that companies rely on to see higher ROI (Return On Investment).

It is an excellent way to convert followers into clients. It plays a major role in increasing brand awareness and generating new leads for your sales funnel.

That is why several famous and leading companies in the world have executed a dynamic and efficient digital marketing strategy and are really killing it! They invest in that because they are aware that each business needs a social media presence to hit it big.

However, that doesn’t mean that you can randomly pick one or more social media network for your business.

With the existence of more than 65 social media platforms, do you know which social platform can help your business meet with success?

Well, if you crave sales and success and don’t know which social media to use for your business, don’t search anywhere else! This is the exact question we are actually answering in this article. Below we share with you the best 8 social media platform to use for your business to be the best and stand out from the rest.

But before we jump on which platform to use, you must first define your Persona. Your persona is a representation of your target audience. This is the first thing you need to define before you even decide which social media network to use.

Buyer Personas

Personas are fictional characters that you create from research to portray the various types of users who are likely to use your services, goods, website, or brand in similar ways.

The development of personas helps you to better comprehend the requirements, behaviors, experiences, and motivations of your users.

A persona can help you realize that people have different needs and aspirations, and it can also help you identify with the people you are targeting.

Personas reduce the complexity of the design task, they help guide your design development process, and they can help you achieve the objective of designing a good user experience for your target audience.

When you create personas, you will better understand who your target audience is and on which social media network they are the most active.

From there you can prioritize the social networks you need to focus on.

General Social Media network


facebook social media network

Simply put, Facebook is a social media network that is not meant to be missed! with over 2.5 billion people using it worldwide, Facebook is the leader and the most used social media! So, why Facebook should be an essential part of your social media strategy?

The answer is simple. Facebook prides itself on its several advantages and features.  On this platform, business owners can easily create their business page where they can constantly relay their news and promotions.

Some businesses, depending on their product lines and targets’ interests, even have multiple pages. That gives them the chance to better target their different audiences.

As an amazing plus, when it comes to personalization: each Facebook page created for your business can focus on a specific audience (for example: women, men, children, and fashion fans…)

Moreover, the overwhelming majority of your potential clients surely have a Facebook account; that makes things even easier.

Also, on your business page you can share different types of content.

These contents include texts, photos, videos, podcasts, blog posts, and others.

You can follow this official Facebook procedure to create a Facebook business page.

Nevertheless, today, it has become difficult to grow your community on this social network without investing a minimum in a Facebook advertising campaign.

To create a Facebook profile in order to schedule all your Facebook posts is very easy. You can follow our step-by-step procedure to create a Facebook profile on MixedShare.

Schedule your Facebook posts now


Twitter is a micro-blogging social system that allows users to post and receive short messages that are limited to 140 characters and called tweets.

This social media network presents itself as a proudly real-time social news platform that allows users to share information and ideas instantly. What is great about Twitter is that it makes it possible and easy to promote your business content through URL sharing.

This micro-blogging network is distinguished and different from Facebook because of its immediacy feature. More than that, there are other reasons why many professionals prefer to use Twitter. On Twitter, you can create a proximity link with customers.

Also, on Twitter, when you post and react instantly to comments, you build a real connection with your business community. In addition, the business promotions and products are very easily visible!

Thanks to the feature of hashtags, you can monitor everything that is said about your business brand. All you need to do is to keep up to date with the recent trends and topics relevant to your industry, to position your business above your competitors!

You can follow this official Twitter procedure to create a Twitter business page.

Schedule your Twitter posts now


instagram marketing tool

No matter what industry you are in, Instagram can be for you! Instagram is a mobile photo-sharing social application. It mainly allows its users to share photos after applying filters making them more attractive and aesthetic. Instagram also lets users share short videos that are up to 60 seconds long.

Hence, it is a great place to showcase your business products and set up your visual storytelling strategy. Instagram gives you the opportunity to smoothly reaching a large audience thanks to the relays of carefully selected influencers.

If you know how to be strategic and produce quality, and relevant videos and images, you will increase your number of subscribers rapidly. The feature of direct feedback on Instagram is another great thing that helps you build a relationship of trust with your customers.  Here, you can rely on surveys to find out the preferences of your clients.

Follow this procedure to create an Instagram business account.

Schedule your Instagram posts now


This social media network is the best place to upload videos for free on your business channel. It is a leading social network for video sharing in the world.

Users are able to comment and share them. You don’t need to be a videographer to be able to produce and share relevant content on YouTube. On this platform, you can relay feedback from satisfied customers or even create tutorials that provide useful and interesting information to your future clients.

Since video is an essential marketing trend that shouldn’t be missed, YouTube must, therefore, be an important part of your social media strategy. More than that, YouTube’s advertising network is one of the cheapest and gives great chances to promote your business services and products.

Schedule YouTube posts now



If you are one of those people who love to hunt for great ideas online? Pinterest is then a social network to invest in. This platform makes it possible to share content pointing to links, which are “attached” (pin) to thematic tables.

Pinterest is the equivalent of Twitter but for sharing photos not tweets. You can use it to pin or save images of your services or products to previously created folders and share them with your network.

So, it permits you to develop your brand image in a visual way and attract traffic to your e-commerce site.

Schedule Pinterest posts now

Professional Social Media network



This employment and business-oriented online service is the first international professional network.  As a professional and business owner, on LinkedIn you interact with other professionals and entrepreneurs and seize new business opportunities.

This professional platform also provides you the opportunity to create your profile and to participate in thematic discussion groups. Hence, offering you new routes for making new professional acquaintances.

These discussion groups are also a great way to develop your business influence in your industry through communicating your expertise. LinkedIn is also an effective social network to modernize your recruiting strategy as a company; especially that it gives you the chance to easily recruit candidates by informing you about their professional and educational background before scheduling an interview with them.

Schedule linkedin posts now



This professional social media was first called Viaduct. It is a French platform with over 65 million users worldwide has become a direct competitor of Linkedin.

Both are free and share similar features including the registration and access process and the creation of discussion groups. Both have their paying versions with premium options like advertising. On Viadeo, users are very active which offers you access to a very large prospect base.

Viadeo is the best place to find a very diverse community. Here you can find atypical profiles to recruit. Many love it for its easy-to-use and clean interface.

Google my business

Google My Business is a free tool that helps business owners improve their ranking on Google. It is an ideal tool for all local businesses as it enables you to create your local business on Google so that your business information can be shown on Google Maps.

Business owners use GMB as it is an effective way to make their Business Profile stand out and convert Google searches about their business into clients. That says, thanks to the Google My Business page your company will be able to see its listing appear on Google Maps and on the first page of Google search results.

Schedule posts on Google My Business


In a nutshell, social media networks are a real plus to build and heal your business’s virtual reputation. It gives your potential clients the feel that they have inside knowledge of your products and services. Hence, drives more sales to your business.

The above social networks are the best social media network to use for your business and get more bang for your buck. They are all popular, easy to use, and effective to take your business to the next level. Of course, there are a plethora of other social media platforms, but the above list is enough if you are just getting started.

Download infographic Best social medias to use based on target audience

Are you serious about growing your business? Social Media is one of the best way to grow. Download our free infographics to help you make up your mind on which social media network is best for your business.

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